Reprinted from ReformJudaism.orgKashrut reminds us again and again that Jewish spirituality is inseparable from the physical

are what you eat' the common expression goes. One might think of this
saying in relation to kashrut (that is, keeping kosher). What do the
choices that we make about what we eat reveal about who we really are?
Many Jews today view kashrut as an outdated vestige of ancient Israelite
practice, expanded upon by rabbinic Judaism, bur no longer relevant to
modern day life. However, the presentation of the prohibitions
associated with kashrut in Parashat Re'eh challenges us to consider anew
the purposes of kashrut.
Deuteronomy 14 tells us what animals,
fish, and birds we can and cannot eat. It instructs us not to boil a kid
(a young goat) in its mother's milk, an injunction that became the
basis for the rabbinic separation between milk and meat (14:21; see also
Exodus 23:19 and 34:26). While many Jews today believe the biblical
prohibitions against certain meat and fish to be for health reasons,
Parashat Re'eh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17) makes no such claim. In fact,
if this were the case, the explicit permission to give the stranger and
the foreigner the foods we are forbidden to eat (14:21) would be frankly
immoral. Rather, Parashat Re'eh, as the Torah does elsewhere,
identifies the articulation of eating prohibitions strictly as part of
the Israelites' particular path to holiness: "for you are a people
consecrated to your God Adonai" 14:21). What is it about these
prohibitions that can make us holy? Interestingly, the prohibited foods
are identified as tamei lachem--ritually impure "for you" (14:7, 8, 10).
For this reason, it is perfectly acceptable for other people to eat
them, just not for the people Israel.
A Spiritual DisciplineTraditional
and modern commentators have offered various explanations as to why
particular fish, poultry, and animals are considered tahor ("ritually
pure") and therefore acceptable to eat. But perhaps more important than
the meaning of each of the details of the prohibitions is the simple
fact that we are given a list of dos and don'ts that govern what we are
to consume daily. According to the Torah, God asks that we abstain from
eating certain foods, not because they are unhealthy or intrinsically
problematic, but simply as an expression of our devotion. As with other
chukim (laws that the rabbinic sages define as being without rational
explanation), these prohibitions are like the requests of a beloved: we
may not understand them, but we are, in essence, asked to follow them
purely as an expression of our love. Daily, the observance of kashrut
calls us back to a personal relationship with God.
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