By Deena Shanker
Like so many kosher cooks around the country, you have
probably recently wondered if there is pink slime, the
ammonia-treated-meat-scrap-mixture found in most ground beef, in kosher meat.
Well I have good news and I have bad news. The good news: according to the
Orthodox Union, there is no pink slime in any product they have certified. The
bad news? There’s almost certainly other stuff – worse stuff – in your kosher
In a food
animal’s life, the rules of Kashrut don’t kick in until slaughtering time. That
means that until reaching the shohet’s knife, there is no difference between the
cow in a Glatt Kosher OU burger and the cow in a McDonald’s Big Mac. (In fact,
sometimes they are the exact same cow, as Rabbi Mandel at the OU told me –
kosher meat producers routinely sell hindquarters to non-kosher processors.) A
kosher label, therefore, doesn’t tell you anything about what happened to the
cow while it was alive, including whether it was fed antibiotics and/or pumped
with growth hormones. But even though this information is not in your kosher
seal, it has strong implications for what’s in your food.
By adding antibiotics to
the feed of every single animal on a factory farm, companies are able to
inoculate animals living in extreme crowding and filth from infectious diseases
that would otherwise wipe out entire herds. (Picture the Black Plague in Europe,
only it’s e. coli on a feedlot.) Further, through the use of growth hormones,
cows can reach unnaturally large sizes in very short periods of time. When you
eat a burger – even a kosher one – you are ingesting those hormones and
antibiotics (not to mention more highly evolved versions of the bacteria the
antibiotics were meant to kill).
Unlike pink slime, which has no known negative health
effects, the introduction of massive amounts of antibiotics and hormones into
our food supply is extremely dangerous. Eighty percent of the antibiotics used
in the U.S. are given to healthy farm animals in doses high enough to protect
the animals from most infectious diseases but low enough to allow for the
survival and then breeding of “superbugs.” According to the World Health
Organization, we are nearing a “post-antibiotic era” in which these highly
evolved microorganisms are completely resistant to our antibiotics. (Though with
any luck, a recent court ruling ordering the FDA to investigate the effects of
these practices may end them.) The use of hormones is no safer. After finding
evidence linking hormone use to cancer, Europe banned the practice in 1989, but
it is still an industry norm in the U.S. These problems are not just limited to
beef: recent studies found that arsenic, anti-depressants, and painkillers are
being fed to chickens.
But don’t worry. I am not about to tell you to become
a vegetarian. Hazon, a Jewish organization dedicated to sustainability, has put
together a great list of kosher meat producers that raise animals on natural
diets without the use of antibiotics or hormones. Try it once and you’ll be
hooked – not only is the meat healthier for you and more ethically and
naturally-raised, it tastes better too.
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