There is a current thought in the Health food literature that claims that drinking milk is not healthy, cows don't drink milk, why should man. There is also the claim that eating meat is not healthy, man was not born to be carnivorous. Since your magazine has a mystic corner, can you tell me what the mysticism says about this?
The question is interesting. To answer this question, you must understand the way and method in which the world was created. When the world was created it was created in four basic levels organic first, the earth and rocks. Then the next level, the inorganic, the trees, plants, etc. After that the third level was created, the animal, birds and fishes. Finally, the last level was created, man.
We can list them thusly:
If we ponder, which level is the strongest, which level has the most power, we would say that the first level, the level of the inorganic is certainly the strongest. Man has used the rock to build buildings used iron to build and strengthen his environment. It is the strongest.
The next strongest is the organic. Trees also give us protection from the cold and rain. Plants give us clothing and food. The next level,.the animal, can not shield man's environment, but also provides him with his bodily needs.
If we look a bit deeper, we must observe that the ground and rock has no need for the other three levels, it can exist alone. (Like the other planets or moon which is only rock)
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